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We are recognises the importance of exercising corporate social responsibility.

The Company’s policy is to identify and engage in a practicable number of programmes designed to advance the Company’s standing and the standing of the security industry in general, in the wider community.


  1. Deliver energy in a stable and efficient manner.

  2. Comply with laws, rules and regulations and adhere to ethical business conduct in accordance with the social norms including human rights at our international or operating locations.

  3. Communicate timely with employees, customers, business partners and other stakeholders while protecting and properly managing information.

  4. Value the individuality of our employees, secure a safe, healthy and worker-friendly environment, and provide opportunities for career development.

  5. Recognize our responsibility to help preserve the environment and proactively contribute to sustainable development.

  6. Contribute to the economic development of host countries and communities, by taking cultural diversity into consideration.

Code of conduct

1. Compliance with Laws and Ordinances
  • Emphasis on Trust, Good Faith and Fairness

  • Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and In-House Rules

  • Appropriate Disclosure of Corporate Information

  • Prohibition on Insider Trading and Payoffs


2. Respect for Human Rights
  • Respect for Human Rights

  • Ban on Discrimination


3. Contributions to Society
  • Contributions in Project Development Regions

  • Respect for the Cultures and Social Norms in Other Countries

  • Promoting the Disclosure of Information to and Ensuring Communications with Society


4. Respect for Business Ethics
  • Improving the Quality and Ensuring the Safety of our Products

  • Appropriate Management of Customer Information

  • Ensuring Fair Dealings

  • Ban on Improper Entertainment and Gift Giving in Relationships with Customers

  • Respect for the Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Rights of Others

  • Building Sound and Healthy Relationships with Governments and Administrative Authorities

  • Sever Relationships with Antisocial Forces and Groups


5. Respect for Employees
  • Respect for Individuality and Diversity

  • Ban on Forced Labor and Child Labor

  • Maintain Privacy of Employee Information

  • Prevention of Harassment


6. Approach to the Environment, Safety and Health
  • Promotion of Activities to Preserve the Natural Environment

  • Approach to the Elimination or Reduction of our Environmental Impact

  • Prevention of Environmental Disasters Caused by Accidents

  • Ensuring a Quality Work Environment


7. Securing the Soundness of Company Assets and Finances
  • Accurate Records and Reports Concerning Business Activities

  • Appropriate Accounting Methods

  • Appropriate Management and Operation of Company Assets

  • Appropriate Management of Intellectual Property Rights and Company Secrets

  • Appropriate Management and Use of Data Systems

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